
Note: After you click continue, the window will change into fullscreen mode.
Please don't exit as experiment will be performed in full screen mode.


Thank you for your participation! Before you leave, we have a few quick questions for you, it will not take more than a minute!

Query 1: What do you think the “real” purpose of this experiment is? (feel free to guess)

Query 2: Did you notice anything interesting or weird about this experiment at all?

Query 3: Prior to this experiment, were you aware of the hidden arrow inside the FedEx logo?

Query 4: During this experiment, did you notice any white arrow hidden inside the symbols?

This is the end, thank you for your participation! We hope you had fun!
You will see your task code pop up on your screen as you press the submit button below.
Please input this code into your mTurk work page.


Press M for next slide